Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can anxiety cause anger issues?

I am a 40 year old female and I have anxiety and anger issues. I wonder if anxiety can cause anger issues?

4 Answers

No, anxiety does not cause anger.
Anxiety is fundamentally the cause of most anger issues, yes. Although it may go unrecognized at first, if you would look back objectively to the beginnings of an anger outburst, more likely than not there were several flashes of thought involving fear or worry or panic that triggered the anger. Recall the "fight or flight or freeze" scenario: a sudden trigger of adrenaline often triggers a behavioral response we see as either aggression or rage. The degree of anger that the underlying fear sets off differs- people without "anger problems" are able to use coping mechanisms to control the extent of their responses in socially acceptable ways, whereas people with "anger problems" are unable to contain and regulate the extent of their aggressive emotional energy and so are seen as acting outside the bounds of socially accepted norms of behavior.
Look at this link for some insight into your question:
Absolutely. Find a calm place and use that when is needed. Maybe a ritual or food, etc