Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractors ease shoulder and arm pain?

I am a 38 year old female. I have shoulder and arm pain. Can chiropractors ease shoulder and neck pain?

13 Answers

Yes, that is what chiropractors are taught to do.
Yes the chiropractor can help with arm and shoulder pain. The objective would be to find out if the pain in your arm and shoulders coming from your neck or if it is distinctly coming from your arm and shoulder. If the problem is coming from your neck the solution would be to adjust your cervical spine. If the problem is coming from just your shoulder we will assess the issue and treat the shoulder.
Usually yes
Shoulders? This sound on the surface like an easy question to answer, but in fact it is the most difficult to answer. The process of evaluating any condition begins with the consultation. When did the problem start? What was the initiating incident that caused the problem? Was there in prior problems with the area of complaint including adjacent areas? With the neck this means the shoulders, upper and mid back. In most cases there are additional questions. Then begins the examination which includes palpation, range of motion, orthopedic tests and possible imaging tests. All of these go into determining the diagnosis, need for additional evaluations, need for treatment and establishing a treatment plan. Finally evaluating effects of the treatments. This is a simplified statement of what need to be done for any condition and then now long it takes to receive results will become apparent.
Depending on the cause, it is absolutely something that chiropractors typically get great results with.

Skylar Bakko, DC QNCP PAK BFM

Most chiropractor will take a thorough history and do a comprehensive examination to find the cause of your shoulder and neck pain. Once the cause is uncovered, they can make appropriate treatment recommendations. It is important to rule out potential problems involving the heart, liver or gallbladder that can sometimes refer pain to the shoulders.
Yes! I see that a lot in my clinic. Definitely try it before injections or surgery. We have a great success rate at your age.
Yes this is a very well documented condition which Chiropractors have a lot of success treating.
Yes, and it is often easy to fix!
Absolutely, however it depends on the cause of the pain. If it is joint, nerve or disc involvement, then chiropractors can probably help.