Massage Therapist Questions Massage Therapy

Can massage therapy help me with my menstrual cramps?

Every month I get really bad cramps that are, somewhat, unbearable. There's nothing wrong with me though, according to my OB-GYN, so I'm looking for ways to help me cope with them. Can massage therapy help me with my menstrual cramps?

7 Answers

Yes!!! however a full Ayurvedic and Clinical nutrition program is recommended in order to balance this condition. We have super results and work on line as well.
Massage Therapy can help. As I say on here often is that the best way to know is reach out to about 3-5 massage therapist in your local area as ask. Explain to them your issue and concerns and see which one could offer you the best treatment they have that could help with your menstrual cramps. It helps with some people while it doesn't help with other people. Best to check around. Good Luck!
Yes massage can help. I've personally been on a low dose of sertraline to calm my cramos down significantly. Warm heat pack over your cramps can be very helpful.
It can
Responses to massage therapy can be highly variable, it depends on the skill level and technique of the therapist which can be highly variable. Osteopathic Treatment requires minimum 5-8 years of training in a medical setting, and in my experience has a much better chance of improving symptoms that conventional medicine deems 'normal' like your menstrual cramps.
It can help reduce stress and other pain related to your menstruation. However tummy pain is your uterus shedding so there is unfortunatley nothing I could do for that. I feel your pain though.
It could help, but putting pressure on the back could push it out more. Although massage on other parts of the body could make you relax more too. You could try it, just make sure to tell your massage therapist and dont put too much pressure on the back.