Family Medicine | Obesity Medicine Questions Obesity

Can obesity be caused by genetics?

I am a 28 year old female. I have obese parents and siblings. Can obesity be caused by genetics?

3 Answers

No single factor or behavior causes obesity. Obesity is caused by many things, including a person's habits, lifestyle, and environment. Genes and some medical problems also increase a person's chances of becoming obese. There's one gene that's getting a lot of attention, called FTO. Scientists found that people with certain differences in this gene have a 20% to 30% higher chance of obesity.
Most often it’s caused by the type of food you choose to eat. It is most often a learned menu then Genetics.
Yes! It's largely caused by your genetic blueprint and chronic dieting (altering your metabolism and your natural set point weight over time). Many will tell you its "caused" by other behaviors but ultimately the inability to sustain diet behaviors are the culprit.