“Can you speak after jaw surgery?”
I am a 27 year old female. I will have jaw surgery. Can you speak after jaw surgery?
5 Answers
Yes, typically today you should expect to NOT have your teeth wired shut and you could speak the same day after surgery.
Your surgeon can give you the most accurate details. Different jaw surgeries may be "fixed" differently. If you close your teeth and speak, most of what you say should be understandable. Some surgeries are allowed to heal with the jaws wired. Worst case it would sound like speaking with your teeth together. That may not be needed! (Practicing closed mouth speech ahead of time would help IF wires will be needed.)
You will have limited ability to speak. Chances are you will be wired shut for a number of weeks talking would be limited, but you will be able to communicate via texting and the use of your cell phone or iPad.