Chiropractor Questions Abdominal Pain

Can a chiropractor help with lower abdominal pain?

I often have lower back/abdominal pain. I have tried what feels like everything. Can a chiropractor help to relieve this pain?

11 Answers

Hopefully a chiropractor can take a thorough history and do a good examination to determine the cause of your pain. In some states, chiropractors can diagnose and treat non-musculoskeletal conditions, and in others they cannot. You may have a problem with both. Again, hard to say without a history and exam.
Chiropractic care can affect the nervous system and resetting the nervous system you will reset the function of the Organ.
If the abdominal pain is caused by a spinal intersegmental dysfunction, then Chiropractic can help.
Abdominal pain is usually an internal condition that a misaligned vertebrae can help relieve it, however, I would recommend a family medical doctor to perform tests such as blood work to screen infections and may require medications, antibiotics, and perhaps an ultrasound, cat-scan and MRI, and in the interim, avoid spicy foods and have ginger ale and check with your medical doctor.
Chiropractic care is effective for many musculoskeletal pain complaints. If you have been examined by other types of medical professionals regarding your pain, a chiropractor will examine the pain region and create a differential diagnosis. If further imaging is deemed necessary for an accurate diagnosis and treatment, then that may be done as well.
An exam and X-Rays would be necessary to determine if you are a candidate for Chiropractic care.
Yes. If you are having abdominal pain I would recommend going to your MD first.
This can be caused by irregular bowel movements. Normal is at least once a day. I have seen through my practice that irritation to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd lumbar nerve can cause this because that is the nerve control for the large intestine. That being the case a chiropractor can help.

Typically, anything visceral is out of our scope. If it’s a tight hip flexor, that’s something a chiropractor can help with. If it’s digestive issues, try acupuncture or a naturopath if nothing else has worked.

Best of luck.

Dr. Caitlin Zietz, B.Sc., D.C.
A chiropractor can absolutely help! I specialize in the pelvis, and this means the low back, abdomen, core muscles, and internal organs. All of these structures are so intricately connected so find someone who is willing to look at each component. If you are a women, the connection to our menstrual cycle cannot be overlooked and plays a huge roll in how our organs, pelvis, abdomen, and low back feel. Examining the structure and alignment of the bones, in addition to tensions, tightness, stress and inflammation coming from your muscles, diet and lifestyle can all help pain similar to yours!
Possibly. I would consult the urgent care first to ensure it is not something more serious.