Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatrist

Do acupressure slippers work for relieving pain?

I have been suffering from severe pain, numbness and inflammation on the bottom of my foot, toe fingers and ankle. I have been wearing acupressure slippers for 2-3 years. Please suggest a remedy for relieving pain and inflammation in my foot.

Male | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: Paracetamol and brufen
Conditions: Varicose veins

19 Answers

Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
Thank you
Have no experience with Acupressure slippers, but you need to be medically evaluated since the presence of venous disease.
You should consult with your family physician to rule out problems such as diabetes.
If you have pain and inflammation in your hands, feet and ankle, I strongly advise seeing your general practitioner for evaluation.
Acupuncture is considered "alternative medicine" for which I am not trained. Pain, numbness, and inflammation can be from multiple separate issues or one particular thing such as a neuroma. When it comes to shoe changes, most foot conditions improve with a properly fitting shoe (especially width), but most important is stability and motion control (not soft or squishy!) If you are taking any anti-inflammatories and tylenol and have had no improvement, I encourage you to follow up with a care provider for X-ray and physical exam!
Good luck!

Elizabeth A. Davis, DPM
Based on your symptoms, you would need to be evaluated in person. Your symptoms may be nerve related and a thorough clinical exam is necessary in determining the underlying source of the pain, numbness and inflammation.
This sounds like a complicated issue for someone your age. There are potentially multiple causes for your symptoms - local and systemic. You need a thorough history and physical examination. The acupressure slippers are not harmful, but will not alleviate your symptoms no matter how long you wear them.
There are several different things you could have. One is low back arthritis, others are neuroma, lymphedema, diabetes, etc. It is very difficult to diagnose without examining you with X-rays, etc.
My concern with varicose veins is you may require an evaluation by a podiatrist or a vascular specialist before you start any home treatment.
Has someone done any studies on your feet? If you have varicose veins around your ankle these can compress the big nerve that goes and does the entire bottom of the foot. That can be a source for your pain you are having. If you can take any form of anti-inflammatory that would also help as well.

I would suggest seeing a neurologist. This sounds like some nerve related diagnosis. Slippers may help, but in the long run you will need to see a specialist.
This is a very interesting question. I studied Holistic medicine in China in 1999. One of the principles that I learned that traditional medicine does not have all of the answers. You have a medical condition that may be a Neuropathy. This is a results of damage to the nerve fibers . The fibers need good neutrinos as cells of the human frame needs for daily metabolism Two nutrients that I recommend are magnesium ,Vit D also a product named MEGA-BENFOTIANINE. for your symptoms relief.

Sorry to hear you have such severe pain over the last 3 months. Proper diagnosis is imperative prior to suggesting a treatment plan. Having no history of trauma and having numbness as one of the symptoms makes this more difficult to narrow down. The area of symptoms includes the entire foot and ankle. Most types of sprains and strains will eventually get better over time with physical therapy and bracing. We have a specialized laser specific for treating pain called MLS LASER. This is one of the best remedies and is without any pharmaceuticals. If the problem is neurologic, coming from the low back, then a back specialist should be consulted. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen together has a powerful analgesic affect and can be comparable to the relief of opiates. Wearing acupressure inserts can work on trigger point locations, but acupuncture provides a more comprehensive and satisfying result for pain control. (We have an acupuncture doctor on our staff.) For the best treatment protocols for your pain, please seek a comprehensive exam to find out the origin of the pain.


Dr. Liddy
Getting to the reason for your pain, numbness and inflammation of your foot and toes is the most important factor in determining your treatments. You need a full evaluation of your medical history, circulation and appropriate blood work to get started!
First need to find the cause. It could be any where from herniated disc to nerve entrapment in the foot like neurons or tarsal tunnel syndrome. Certain feet conditions could predispose you. Also certain conditions like diabetes, alcoholism, hyperthyroidism. The slippers may help but not a cure. May need MRI and even injection and physical therapy. Certain vitamins may help
You need to have the cause of your pain looked into. Numbness can be caused by local neurologic problems to issues with your lumbosacral spine. Pain and inflammation may be caused by mechanical and positional issues with your foot and ankle. Accupressure slippers are a 'scam.' My suggestion: Go to a foot and ankle specialist and be evaluated by someone with medical and anatomic/physiologic training. That doctor will either order testing on you, or will attempt to help with his diagnosis after examination of your feet and ankles.
If you've been wearing them for 2-3 years and are still in pain, then is seems like they are not working. You should consult your podiatrist to determine the source of the inflammation and pain.
It sounds like you may have some type of neuropathy that has not been appropriately diagnosed and treated. You should be seen by your family physician who will evaluate and treat you. Your physician will also determine which specialty referrals you may need. I would recommend seeing your physician as soon as possible as it sounds like you have been in pain for a long time and your current regimen is not helping.
Acupressure can be effective for certain conditions. I recommend you have a thorough evaluation by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine a working diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan