Dermapathologist Questions Moles

Do cancerous moles itch?

I'm a 21 year old male. Recently, I've been obsessing over a mole on my shoulder that sometimes gets extremely itchy. Do cancerous moles itch?

5 Answers

Itching within moles is considered a warning sign that you should seek consultation with a dermatologist who can examine the mole under magnification, with the help of a surface microscope, known as a dermatoscope, and send the mole to a laboratory if it is deemed suspicious to rule out the possibility of a malignant melanoma, a very serious form of mole cancer that need not be deadly at all if caught early.
Benign and cancerous moles can itch. Anything symptomatic (bleeding, itching, tender, painful, or growing significantly) on the skin should be brought to the attention of a board certified dermatologist for evaluation and treatment.
If it bothers you, it is easy to remove and examine under the microscope. Then you are certain there is no problem.
All itchy moles should be checked by dermatologist. Unwise to ignore. Moles have absolutely no function on humans. Best to get rid of them all, if possible.
It is hard to say from this description. We generally follow the abcde’s of melanoma detection. Asymmetry, border, colors, diameter greater than 1/4 inch, and anything that’s changed or evolved. Itch does not fall into these categories. Nevertheless, see your dermatologist to make sure none of these have occurred.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD