Gastroenterologist Questions Celiac Disease

Do children with celiac disease have issues with growth?

My daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease but I noticed that she isn't as tall as the other kids her age. Does celiac disease also have an impact on growth?

4 Answers

Yes it can. Hard to say in your particular case without more information, but effective treatment with gluten free diet should allow height to normalize.
Yes, Celiac disease also impacts negatively on growth. If she does not improve her height velocity on strict gluten free diet, consult with an Endocrinologist for evaluation for other causes of short stature.
Yes indeed it does. You didn’t specify how old your daughter is but if she was diagnosed during the prepubescent or even late teenage years, it is possible that growth could be affected by celiac disease if not controlled aggressively with gluten restriction. Other causes of stunted growth should be considered as well.
If they have untreated celiac disease, poor growth is very common. If a child is on the appropriate diet and asymptomatic, they should grow just fine.

Mark R. Corkins, M.D., S.P.R., C.N.S.C., F.A.S.P.E.N., A.G.A.F., F.A.A.P.