Chiropractor Questions Chronic Pain

Do chiropractors treat chronic neck pain?

I have had chronic neck for more than 3 months after a really bad car accident. My friend told me that a chiropractor can help me with this. Is it true? What can a chiropractor do for me?

15 Answers

Chiropractic treatments typically get great results with neck pain. Pain is controlled in the brain and chiropractic helps to reset/turn off that pain signal.
Hi there,

Look for a good one first, then follow up. It's a process of sessions to reduce inflamed and tight muscles and maybe fix joints.

Dr. Majed Nagoulat, D.C.
Yes. Most definitely chiropractors are able to help with chronic neck pain. In most cases the neck pain can completely resolve. Chiropractors will examine and then perform an adjustment or manipulation of the cervical spine to remove any nerve impingement and restore normal motion and mobility.
The sooner you see a chiropractor the faster you can recover from your neck injury.
Chiropractic treatment can prove highly effective to assist or completely resolve your chronic neck pain as long as a comprehensive history, exam and x-rays are obtained prior to treatment. Your practitioner should be able to clearly provide you with how they may help and then a plan for enlisting additional alternatives in the event that your condition continues to be problematic. You should ask your practitioner questions about short and long term goal setting to make certain that you remain informed and clear on expectations between both doctor and patient.
Chiropractic can certainly assist you with neck pain. After a thorough neuromuscular and physical examination and possibly xrays, a diagnosis and treatment plan will be formulated. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment can entail physical therapy, spinal manipulation, stretching and strengthening procedures. Find a doctor that is well versed in treating neck pain caused by auto accidents, and good luck.
Current research shows that chiropractic is the best treatment for resolving chronic neck or back pain. You need to find a good chiropractor and start treatment quickly. Get references from your friends who have a chiropractor. There are many competent doctors but chiropractic is very artful and it is sometimes hard to find a really excellent doctor. The best reference will be from someone who says, "I've seen a lot of chiropractors and this guy is the best." 
I am sorry that you are still suffering from your car wreck. Again, I urge you to start care as soon as you can. Statistics also show that the level of pain you have at 3 months is often the level you will continue to have months and years later.

All the best,

Dr. Payne
Yes Chiropractors help people with chronic neck pain from car accidents. The mechanism of injury changes the normal mechanics of the neck and affects the nervous system that runs through that area of the spine. Chiropractic restores the normal function of the spine and allows the nervous system and neck tissues to heal.
Yes. Chiropractic can help chronic neck pain. First, a thorough examination should be performed to determine the actual cause of the pain and arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Then a treatment plan should be made and agreed upon. Neck pain may be coming from the facet joints, the discs or the surrounding musculature. Sometimes the nerves may be affected as well. Manipulation, stretching and muscle therapy may help to correct the problems causing your chronic neck pain.
I hope this information is helpful.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller
Chiropractic care for chronic neck pain from your Chiropractor may be managed very easily. They may have multiple modalities to work not only on your spine, but the soft tissue as well. Many offices also have a massage therapist on the staff to provide additional relief. It is definitely a great place to start.

You should make an appointment with a chiropractor as soon as possible. After an auto accident, many people are injured more than they realize. If the injured tissues heal incorrectly, it puts extra stress on the joints and other structures, sucking your bodies energy and causing the joints to wear out prematurely. I often see patients with neck pain and when I ask if they ever injured their neck, they say, "No...well, I did have a car accident about 5 years ago, but I was fine." They were not fine, they were injured, but the pain wasn't too bad, or maybe there was no pain...until permanent damage already happened. Chiropractic care helps your body heal correctly with good structure and motion. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the poorer your final outcome.
Please make an appointment today.

In health,

Dr. Steven Moon
Yes but you need a thural exam and radiographes.
This is absolutely true. Chiropractors diagnose and treat all conditions of the spine. This is a common injury that any Chiropractor would be familiar with.
Yes, you should see a Chiropractor