Dentist Questions Dentist

Does baking soda kill bacteria in your mouth?

I am a 22 year old male. I want to know if baking soda kills bacteria in your mouth?

5 Answers

Baking soda neutralizes the acids in your mouth.

Studies have shown that the use of oral health care products with high concentrations of baking soda could result in a decreased levels of bacteria in saliva and plaque buildup.
Thank you, great question.
Baking soda is not for killing bacteria. It is good for cleaning teeth and gum.
It can create a neutral environment in the mouth, therefore reducing the acidic nature that bacteria thrive, hence reducing the bacterial count In the mouth.
Baking soda is not relevant for killing oral bacteria. But for people who have gastric acidity or constant vomiting, it is recommended to swish with baking soda right after a vomiting incident to neutralize the acid and protect the enamel.