OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Does holding your legs up help you get pregnant?

I am a 28 year old female and I am trying to get pregnant. Does holding your legs up help you get pregnant?

7 Answers

It is quite interesting with the question of postural orientation to facilitate pregnancy. To the best of my knowledge, there is no study that I could refer to that verify this notion. I have had patients who get pregnant despite prior findings of 'tilted' uterus. If there is delay in conception possibly there might a more structural or other underlying cause and conferring with your ob/gyn may help address such causes.
Hope this was helpful.
Although it seems logical, lifting legs up after intercourse does not increase the chances of conceiving. The cervical mucus is the gatekeeper for sperm transport.
After timed Intercourse (intercourse during the time frame of ovulation generally days 12-16), lying down for 15-20 min afterwards can keep the semen inside and close to the cervix. So, you do not need to keep your legs up! But not getting up right away may help.
Hope this answers your question.
Not exactly, but the idea behind that pose involves the process of sperm from the semen getting into the cervix. I advise my patients trying for pregnancy to rest for 30 minutes after intercourse with a pillow beneath their pelvis, to create a slight tilt. This doesn’t work for everyone, as not everyone has the same anatomy, but for most women it can increase the amount of sperm into the cervix. Hope this helps.
You don’t need to hold your legs up to get pregnant. The sperm swim where they need to go very rapidly so you don’t need to try to hold the liquid in.

Nope. Just a wive's tale. We did manage to survive as a species without doing that.

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG