Cardiologist Questions Heart Palpitations

Can eating cause heart palpitations in pregnancy?

I am a pregnant woman in my third trimester. I have managed an active lifestyle throughout my pregnancy. However, these days every time i finish my meal, i am noticing sudden palpitations which last for about 5 minutes after food and then subside on their own. Could this be a concern in my pregnancy or something concerned with the functioning of my heart or is it just normal in pregnant women?

5 Answers

May be normal
Need to see a doctor
Most of the arrhythmia during pregnancy are minor and due to changes in your total volume and HR that occurs with pregnancy and will resolve afterwards.
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I do not know what is causing your symptoms. But they do not sound "normal". I think you should discuss your symptoms with your physician.
For sure it can. Your stomach is distended from pregnancy (third trimester), and add food on top, yes the abdomen distends this could irratate your diaphragm, which is in contact with your heart, so all the distension can cause palpations as an irrational via contact, very often it’s totally benign, a young female with a normal heart function should be well, and not have this issue post-delivery.
The stomach is just below the heart. You are in your 3rd trimester, there is not much place in the abdomen, therefore you might have to eat small, frequent meals. But have your gyn get a monitor for you, just to capture the beats, so you know where the beats are coming from.
