Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Kidney Stones

Can high fever and chill occur due to kidney stone?

I am suffering from kidney stones. Since the size of the stones is small, the nephrologist has not advised any surgery to have the same removed. I am suddenly having fever and chills off and on. Could this be triggered due to the kidney stones?

4 Answers

Fever and chills can happen if there is an infection of urinary tract. Sometimes stones can cause obstruction and there can be infection even involving the kidneys ( even a renal/ perinephric abscess can occur). It's important to get blood and urine cultures checked. Please call your doctor and see them asap
Yes for sure. That means a urinary tract infection is developing. A urine culture sample should be send to the lab and antibiotics started right away.
Yes, looks like has urine infection; renal stone can be a risk