Gastroenterologist Questions Acid reflux

How effective are home remedies in treating acid reflux?

I keep getting acid reflux on and off, primarily because of my eating schedule. I have been managing this condition so far only with home remedies. How effective are these remedies? Do you recommend that I should go for a checkup?

3 Answers

Home remedies are effective in the treatment of occasional heartburn. If you have symptoms more than 2 times per week, you need to be seen by a gastroenterologist and probably undergo an endoscopy
They are only effective inasmuch as they control your heartburn. For some people, they are 100% effective and for others, 0%. If not fully effective - as it seems to be in your case - then you can move on to over-the-counter antacids like Zantac or Prilosec. After that, you should see a primary care doctor, who can refer you to a GI if he/she thinks it would be helpful.
Yes, chronic acid reflux must be properly evaluated to rule out other coexisting and more serious conditions. Home remedies work for milder cases, however, you still need a proper evaluation to make sure.