Psychologist Questions Psychologist

How can I help a burn victim feel less self-conscious about his appearance?

I am a 28-year-old woman and I recently started dating a similarly aged burn victim. He's really shy about his looks. How can I help a burn victim feel less self-conscious about his appearance?

5 Answers

Perhaps by emphasizing that you are attracted to his "insides" more than the exterior such as his personality, sense of humor, character, kindness etc. That these aspects more constitute what makes him beautiful!

Thank you for your question. There are lots of things you can do to help a burn victim feel less self-conscious about his appearance. He can work on having realistic goals for becoming more secure about his appearance.
I wish I could say you could fix or change their feelings, but you cannot. The choice to feel less self-conscious is only up to the individual. We can do a lot help and encourage, but the final decision is going to have to be theirs. I would encourage counseling, you cannot force it, but encourage it. I would also encourage and demonstrate positive self-talk.
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