Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

How do you bring down blood sugar quickly?

I am a 37 year old female with high blood sugar. How do you bring down blood sugar quickly?

4 Answers

Too high blood sugar means serious illness - Diabetes and consequences could be fatal. The only medicine for bringing blood sugar down is insulin and only in inpatient setting!
Fastest way is insulin. Long term wt. Loss and diet.
By going to your doctor and getting on the right treatment, usually, at least initially, with insulin.
There are many ways to bring down sugar & this question is difficult to answer with more data such as "are you type 1 or type 2? Do you need to lose wt.? etc. But here is a general answer: Insulin intravenously is the quickest way to bring it down & the second quickest way is insulin under the skin. Fasting & exercise will help but probably not normalize the blood sugar if it is real high. The oral or injectable meds for Type 2 diabetes will help but again will not bring a really high BS to normal & these drugs take time. Most important: SEE a DR. and get the proper treatment since leaving the BS high can cause many complications and even early death. So don't put it off. SEE a physician right away.