Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How long does it take to recover from eye plastic surgery?

I am a 45 year old female and I will have eye plastic surgery. How long does it take to recover from eye plastic surgery?

4 Answers

Stitches come out in a week or less. You can put makeup on and look very presentable in 7-10 days. You should be able to resume normal day to day activities in 10-14 days. You should be able to do anything and everything in 4 weeks.
Recovery from upper eyelid plastic surgery is relatively short and generally takes between between 1-2 weeks but occasionally as long as a month.
A few weeks is usual but bruising can persist up to around six weeks or so.
Dr. M
The recovery is dependent on what you have done and who does it. At your consultation, speak to the surgeon. My patients may recover faster than someone else's.

William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.