Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

How much weight can you lose with acupuncture?

I am a 31 year old female and I want to lose weight with acupuncture. How much weight can you lose with acupuncture?

22 Answers

It’s not a standard answer
Diet and exercise is also to include
Depends. You must also follow a healthy eating and exercise regime in addition to acupuncture for weight loss.
Acupuncture can help, but it works best with lifestyle modifications to get one to their desired weight.
Acupuncture can help with losing weight but it also depends on other factors as well, such as diet, proper exercise, and healthy lifestyle.
Acupuncture does help basal metabolism, and reduces anxiety.

Acupuncture can help with calming the nervous system, increase metabolism, and can help with cravings. It will stimulate weight lose however can only work along with dietary changes and exercise and there is no set amount of weight you can lose, but it can help.
Sadly, not much. The reality is that acupuncture can help reduce your desire for food, but can not change your habitual eating habits. Further, there are no points that “induce” weight loss. Reducing cravings is easy unless you eat for other reasons such as for emotional comfort or stress reduction which need to be explored as well. In consort with adoption of a good diet and healthy exercise habits, acupuncture can reduce the cravings of withdrawal from certain foods and help calm stress levels, which will facilitate weight loss.
I hope this answers your question.

Dr Paton
Weight loss with acupuncture, for best success, should be combined with best food intake and timing tactics, according to your personal situation, customized for need. Acupuncture assists with appetite and cravings
balancing, but it is not shortcut for quick weight loss. Holistic weight loss always takes time to get off because you will need to shift the lifestyle to keep it off.

See my blog at for the Optimal Body Challenge.
Thank you for your question. Acupuncture helps the body to work more efficiently and in regards to weight loss the points selected are to encourage optimal digestive function, quality of sleep and increase in metabolism. Each acupuncture treatment is custom designed for each person so in truth a proper consultation is required.

If you have further questions or would like a consultation please let us know!
Warm Regards,
Acupuncture produces the effect for your body to heal. It all depends.
It depends on and varies from person to person. Need to talk to an Acupuncturist for details and treatment plan.
Depends on your situation. I suggest you consult with your Acupuncturist.

Hu Gi Acuherbs
It does not lose weight. It works as an appetite depressant. You still need to eat right and do exercises.
Hello! This depends on the patient and how much effort is put in. Healthy way to lose weight is 1-3 lbs per week, to avoid developing stretch marks. Diet, exercise, and acupuncture should all be combine for optimal results.
In my office, we vary from 6 to 8 lbs a month weight loss that stays off with six-month yoyo with my Care Plan and your ability to follow through.
That's a tough question to answer as there are several factors that affect weight loss. Firstly, you have to consider the style of acupuncture you're receiving, and your compliance with your practitioner's treatment protocols (dietary changes, lifestyle chagnes, etc.). Secondly, you must also consider your biology. Though the weight we carry is easily effected by what and how much we eat, the body's genetic make up can be of equal impact. It can effect everything from metabolism to how much healthy weight it likes to carry.

Humans come in all shapes and sizes. My suggestion to you is to not focus on the numbers in your pant size or on the scale, but how you're feeling. If you're eating right, exercising regularly, sleeping well, and feeling good energetically and emotionally, then you're body is at it's peak of functioning no matter what that number is.
Hello & thank you for your question! Acupuncture can help boost your metabolism and enhance the function of your organs to help during weight loss. However, patients need to be highly involved as well, including changes to diet and lifestyle.
It depends on you. If you keep have acupuncture treatments, you can lose a lot of weight, until you think you got to your ideal weight, then you stop the acupuncture.
I personally don’t like to market acupuncture for weight loss only because losing weight must consist of a few factors, diet and exercise being two. In conjunction with those, acupuncture can certainly increase digestive power, mood and energy to assist in weight loss.
You need more than acupuncture to lose weight, it is not a magic bullet that melts fat away. You need to be aware of your body's needs for nutrition, your dietary habits and your physical activity to moderate your weight. This in line with genetic factors determines your ability to safely maintain, lose or gain weight.

Acupuncture helps the body regulate it's metabolism, helps the digestive functions work smoothly and helps the organs do their job properly, but it will not make you lose weight on its own.

Find a licensed acupuncturist who works with patients that want to lose weight and talk with them directly. You will also want to find a good nutritionist and a safe and healthy workout plan.

Good luck.
Acupuncture alone cannot bring you to your desired weight, you are the one to do so, but acupuncture is an important tool that can help you achieve your goal. Please, use it!

How much weight can be lost with acupuncture is a tricky question. I get asked it a lot, and almost no one likes my answer.

Can acupuncture help you lose weight if you have a solid diet and exercise program in place? Yes. Many studies have shown acupuncture helping to regulate hormones related to hunger and feelings of fullness. We also have studies showing acupuncture exerting an effect on blood sugar and insulin. We've used acupuncture for some time to manage cravings in things like alcoholism and smoking cessation; these same points can help manage food cravings as well.

Is acupuncture a replacement for a solid diet and exercise program? In my opinion, no. Studies also tell us that roughly 80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen. If you can't get the diet aspect under control, it largely doesn't matter what else you throw in the mix, you're not going to see the desired weight loss.

The "how much" question is really impossible to answer. Every human is different. Everyone has a different metabolic set point. The "ideal" diet tends to vary from person to person. Factors like age, how long you've had the extra weight, how open you are to making diet changes, what your tolerance is for trying different dietary styles until you find the best fit for you and a large laundry list of other things are all going to affect how much you lose, how quickly you lose it and how well you're able to keep it off.

All that being said, here's the free, unsolicited dietary advice I usually offer folks who ask about acupuncture in weight loss: I've gotten the absolute best results with low carbohydrate, high protein, moderate fat intermittent fasting style diets. Don't count vegetables in your daily carb intake and try to keep that number at or under 100g carbohydrate/day. Get rid of everything processed (flour, sugar, high fructose corn syrup), cut down or eliminate low glycemic index foods and stop eating out for at least 4-6 weeks. No soda, no sports drinks, cut back on alcohol (of you're a drinker). Read labels on everything you're planning to put in your mouth. If there's stuff on there you can't pronounce or don't know what it is, do not eat it. Best to shop the perimeter of the grocery (produce, dairy, meat) and skip the aisles. Try to limit your food intake to an 8 hour window - most folks seem to do best with noon to 8PM. Only water, coffee, tea outside this time. Eventually you'll probably end up with about a meal and a half or a meal and a snack in those 8 hours.

This is what has worked for my wife and I. it's the advice I give to my patients who are looking for weight loss help. For those who buckled down and followed it, they've gotten some really amazing results. Best of luck!