Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

How soon can I return to work after spine surgery?

I am a 41 year old male. I want to know how soon can I return to work after spine surgery?

3 Answers

Depends on how it's done,what is being treated, and what your job is. With endoscopic spine surgery which I use most of the time, most people are able to get back to light duty within 2-3 weeks after disc surgery. After least invasive spinal fusion most people are able to return to light duty within 4-6 weeks.
It depends on the type of surgery and how motivated you are to return to work. I have had patients with minimally invasive surgery for the spine return after 1 week. A multilevel fusions may require 2-3 months off from work.
How soon you can return to work depends on what type of spine operation. If you have a discectomy without fusion, you can usually go back to work about 6 weeks. If you have a spinal fusion, you have to wait until the fusion is complete (usually about 3 to 6 months). You should check with your spine surgeon about your progress.
Good luck.