Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How to treat generalized anxiety disorder in senior citizens?

My 78 year old aunt was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. How to treat generalized anxiety disorder in senior citizens?

5 Answers

Thanks for your question.
Same way as anxiety should be treated in 25 year old (of course the older you are the more meticulous should be the medication choice because of side effects).
Look at if it’s secondary to general medical condition or original condition. If it’s former treat medical condition. In both cases need to treat anxiety.
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Low dose antidepressants and psychotherapy. 
It's case by case, but usually therapy and medicine help a lot. Avoid benzodiazepines.
There are many treatment options. Behavioral feedback exercises may be of benefit. Certain medications like SSRI's, benzodiazepines, SNRI's, tricyclics, can be utilized. Warning that all these medications can have significant side effects so start at very low dose.