Dentist Questions Dentist

Is it ok to brush your teeth with hot water?

I am a 31 year old female. I brush my teeth with hot water. Is it ok to brush your teeth with hot water?

8 Answers

Sure, just don't burn your gums!
As long as you can tolerate the temperature the water and do not feel like you are burning your gums and surrounding tissue, there should me no issue.
Brushing with hot or cold water will not add to the right way to brush, and as long as you're brushing that what counts. good job
It is okay if you prefer brushing with hot water. Do you have sensitivity while brushing with cold water? If so, I would recommend getting an exam from your dentist to make sure everything is okay.
Yes, it’s okay.

You do not hear about many people brushing their teeth with hot water, but as long as you are not burning your gums and lips with scalding hot water, it should be fine. Warm water should not be a problem. Hot water would just irritate your gums and lips and possibly your teeth if they sensitive or have a small cavity starting.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
Hot or warm water? Temp of water is not a big deal. Rinse your mouth clearly.