Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Sprained thumb

Is a partially torn UCL of thumb serious?

I'm 30 years old and my doctor told me that I have a partially torn UCL in my thumb. However, he told me it will heal on its own. Is this injury usually serious?

8 Answers

If managed with the appropriate immobilization for the appropriate period of time you should heal.
Many partial tears can go on to heal without surgical intervention. These are not life threatening injuries. However, the morbidity associated with the condition depends on what you need your hands for in life and recreation. Some patients can cope fine without surgical intervention while others may not fare so well.
As long as the joint is stable, it is not serious. If the joint is unstable, it needs surgical correction.
If it is not completely torn, it should heal on its own. It takes 6 weeks for 85% healing and 3 months for full healing of ligament and about 6 months for all of the symptoms to resolve. If it is completely torn, it is a surgical problem as the adductor tendon blocks the ligament from reattaching.
I am assuming you are referring to the MCP of your thumb, not the IP joint. This is a gamekeepers injury or skiers thumb. There is normally some side to side motion, but it should not open more than 20-30 degrees. If it does on stress exam, there may be a stener's lesion that requires surgery. Have you had an MRI and/or a good examination of the thumb for stability? If there is minimal pain and minimal laxity, it is amenable to treat in a cast or splint. These small joint injuries take a long time to settle down, several months usually depending on your activity and sport level. If your doctor has examined you and feels this is a stable injury, it will heal on its own with protection. If any question of stability or severity, an MRI can be helpful.
Any injury to the thumb is potentially serious. However a partial tear is much better than a complete tear. It should heal with immobilization. And generally, results are excellent.
If your tear is partial, then this should heal is around 4-6 weeks. You should immobilize your thumb with either a splint or a cast. Most partially torn UCL thumb injuries heal without permanent problems.