Naturopath Questions Xanthoma

Is there homeopathic treatment for xanthoma?

I have a xanthoma on the top of my eyelid, for I think about a year. Is there any homeopathic treatment for getting rid of xanthoma?

10 Answers

I'm not aware of a homeopathic treatment for this. As a naturopath, I would look at ways to help support good lipid levels.
hello: pending on where the xanthoma is determines the treatment. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment. I would love to assist you. Dr. Jill
I have not used homeopathic to treat xanthoma
While I am trained in homeopathy, it not my specialty and this may specific concern may be better addressed by a homeopathic specialist. I personally have not tried to treat xanthoma's using homeopathy but a specialist might have.
If you're looking specifically for a homeopathic remedy for xanthomas, then I'd recommend asking a homeopath. If you're looking for natural ways to treat xanthomas, there are ways to treat naturally but it is important for me to understand more about your medical history, labwork, antioxidant profile, etc.
Hi.Thanks for your question. There are sublingual pellets and/ or topical homeopathic drops that might be of help.
Xanthoma could be sign of lipid metabolism dysfunction. It is necessary to have your circulating lipids examined.
You can try, -- staphisagria 30c. No guarantee. Have a dermatologist that does some plastic work look at it.
-Liver detox

Dr. Liz
See your opthalmologist/MD to remove. I tied one off in the office, then removed it. Fish oil for 3 months may reduce its size.