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Is there surgery for shoulder bursitis?

I am a 34 year old male. I have shoulder bursitis and want to treat it. Is there surgery for shoulder bursitis?

9 Answers

Yes there is surgery for bursitis but that is the last resort. The initial treatment is physical therapy, medications and possible injections. Also avoidance of activities which can flare up that shoulder bursitis is very important. If all fails then shoulder arthroscopy can be helpful in helping to alleviate the pain.
There is, but I give an injection that usually cures it.
Typically Shoulder Bursitis can be treated without surgery. Treatment will include icing, a prescription strength anti-inflammatory or steroid injection, and physical therapy. Surgery would only be considered if the above didn't resolve your symptoms. A MRI will usually be ordered before any surgery.
Yes, arthroscopy can be performed and improve the pain
At your age you most likely have a healthy rotator cuff. Your bursitis should be treated initially with rest ice anti inflammatories and physical therapy. Surgery only recommended if those measures fail and X-rays and Mri show a large spur or rotator cuff damage.
Most commonly shoulder bursitis is associated with shoulder impingement syndrome. There is a surgery for shoulder impingement. This surgery is usually done arthroscopically and is therefore called shoulder arthroscopy. The part of the surgery for impingement syndrome is called subacromial decompression. So together that would be shoulder arthroscopy and subacromial decompression.
You need to do an MRI of the shoulder first. MRI is needed to determine the cause of bursitis. Bursitis is commonly associated with subacromial spur or a tear in rotator cuff. This situation might need surgical intervention. If you have already done an MRI and there is no spur and no tear of the rotator cuff and just bursitis, then you need to try PT first. If it doesn't help, next is injection in the subacromial space. Bursitis without spur or tear in rotator cuff rarely needs the decompression surgery.
Yes there is surgery that can be done for shoulder bursitis. This is typically an arthroscopic surgery that is done after non-operative treatment, such as cortisone injections and physical therapy, failure to improve the symptoms of bursitis.
Shoulder bursitis can be treated with surgery, but often is first managed with conservative measures including physical therapy and occasional steroid injections.