Dentist Questions Tooth sensitivity

Is tooth sensitivity a sign of decay?

The teeth in the back of my mouth have been really sensitive lately, and I'm not sure why. Could this sensitivity be a sign of tooth decay?

14 Answers

Not always. Could be from multiple factors and it is best to have a visit with your dentist to review why you are having the sensation/sensitivity.
Yes it can, but there are many other factors that can lead to sensitivity. Visit your dentist and they will be able to help you figure out how you can help alleviate this.
Tooth sensitivity can be caused by dental decay with approximation to the nerve. Also tooth sensitivity can be caused by root exposure cause by recession due to periodontal disease, inappropriate brushing, grinding, orthodontic treatment, and several other reasons. If you are concerned, I recommend seeing a dentist for evaluation and treatment of your symptoms as they are specifically related to you.
Not always. Sometimes your gums get receded and expose the root and it can cause tooth sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity can be the sign of decay. It also can be a sign of an interference in your bite. Visit a dentist who understands occlusion.
It can be a sign of decay, but it is not always. See your general dentist and hygienist regularly. You can try over the counter sensitivity toothpaste. I really like a product called MI paste, sold from a dental professional. It has been great for my teeth!
Tooth sensitivity can be caused by decay, however there are other causes. You will need to see a dentist in order to determine the cause and treatment options for your sensitivity.
A lot of things can cause sensitivity. Decay is one of them and it can be sensitivity to sweets and/or cold. Recession, clenching and grinding, cracked teeth, unbalanced or heavy bite, and even sinus pain or pressure can cause sensitivity. Best to have a dentist check everything to determine the cause and treat accordingly.

Dr. Brandon Nicholson, D.D.S.
Sensitivity can or cannot be a sign of decay. There are several reasons teeth can be sensitive like root exposure, or deep decay. My suggestion is to set up a consult to see what is the cause of the sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity, especially to temperatures, can have many possibilities as far as what is causing it. Tooth decay is definitely one of the potential causes. If these teeth are upper teeth, sinus pressure can also increase sensitivity. Recession of the gum tissue is another possible cause along with several other possible causes. The only way to determine the source of your sensitivity is to make an appointment with a dentist to evaluate the area. Please don't delay in doing this as you can minimize the damage and severity of the problem by addressing it at your dentist appointment ASAP.

Best wishes,

Brett E. Gilbert, D.D.S.
If you're noticing sensitivity and it is a cavity by an X-ray diagnosis, which would prove it, it's likely that it has progressed much further than you think and may possibly even involve a root canal. Do not put this off as it becomes increasingly expensive to restore once the nerve has to be removed.
Yes, but not always. That is why you need to go to a dentist
Tooth sensitivity is one possible symptom of tooth decay, but it is not the only possible explanation. Other possible causes of tooth sensitivity include gum recession, a cracked tooth or filling, a loose filling or crown, a filling or crown that has fallen out, to name a few. If the tooth sensitivity does not go away on its own, you should make an appointment with your dentist for a thorough examination and X-rays to determine the exact cause and then appropriate treatment to alleviate your symptoms.
Tooth sensitivity is the number one complaint of patients. It can be caused by several issues. The most typical reason for sensitivity is gum recession and exposure of the root surface, that is not like enamel and has nerve ending that react to hot and cold and sweet/sour. Typically, if an individual tooth has decay, it can gradually start feeling more sensitivity. Since your questions referred to your molars, it could be you are grinding your teeth and this is the problem. The best resolution would be to have a check-up.