Pediatrician Questions Blood

For my 1 year old's blood work should I get a finger-stick or vein?

For my daughters 1 year old checkup the doctor ordered a CBC and lead test. I am extremely nervous, and want to know if a finger stick is good enough so we don't have to draw it from the vein. Is there a big difference in accuracy? Please let me know what it recommended- I want to do what s best, but I can't even get her to stay still for a stethoscope.

Female | 1 year old

3 Answers

CBC and lead is usually done venous, finger stick usually only shows H/H.
It is more accurate to get venous blood for both hg and lead. If the lead is high by fingerstick she will have to get it repeated by vein. Most labs are good at drawing blood by vein by 1 year old. She may have to be helt for the test.
If the lab can draw blood in small pediatric tube then heel stick will be fine for these tests