“My brother suffered a stroke that paralysed the left side of his body. Is it the right time to now start physical therapy?”
My brother is 56 years old and suffered a stroke suddenly, which paralyzed the left side of his body. We want to help him regain as much strength as he can. When do you think is the right time for him to start physical therapy?
11 Answers
It's essential to initiate physical therapy as soon as possible after a stroke to maximize recovery and regain strength. In many cases, physical therapy can start within days of the stroke, as soon as your brother's condition is stable. However, the exact timing can vary based on individual circumstances and the severity of the stroke. It's crucial to consult with your brother's healthcare team
With patients suffering from a stroke, it is advised and had been researched to begin movement and rehabilitation as soon as medically safe and possible. All the best.
I wouldn't wait and start physical therapy right away unless otherwise recommended differently by his doctors.
Having physical therapy after stroke is very important to restore the function, some cases take up to a year or even more and some others take a lot less time ,all depends on the severity.
He should start physical therapy as soon as possible. There are Neuro Rehab Clinics across the nation that specialize in stroke rehab.
Yes. Start PT early. The maximum recovery occurs within the first 6 months according to the research.
Yesterday. Studies have shown the earlier PT interventions are introduced, the greater return to function patients have experienced. Get in to your local therapist as soon as you can. Best of luck.
Physical therapy is often sought after stroke to maximize function. You can schedule with a provider to better assess your brother's needs.