Plastic Surgeon Questions Liposuction

How do I prepare my body before undergoing liposuction?

I am planning to take on liposuction around my tummy and hands. How should I prepare my body so that the procedure is successful?

12 Answers

Hello, make sure you do not smoke at least one month prior to surgery. No drinking alcohol one week prior to surgery. Take Vitamin C, 1,500 mg per day a week before. Good luck! You may also visit my website at for further information.
Some general tips:

*live healthy
*quit smoking 14 days prior to and after surgery
*ask advice on what to do with blood thinners
*stay mobile to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
*follow the instructions of your surgeon
Not too sure about the hands? Liposuction of excess abdominal fat is a surgical procedure that gives very nice results if the bulk of fat to be removed is not too high. Bruising is always an issue, so avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory meds before the surgery and soon after. Find a surgeon with plenty of experience. Follow all instructions to the T to avoid complications.
The success of the liposuction depends mostly on the surgeon's expertise. Your preparation includes avoiding blood thinner medications such as Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen,
and more. You should take a shower the night before and come with comfortable clothing. Also, get your prescription filled before the procedure date.
Be comfortable with your weight to make it easier for you to maintain it. With a stable weight, your results will be permanent. Reducing local excess fat or rolls is the main purpose of liposuction, not weight loss!
Prior to undergoing any plastic surgery it is important to be in good health, eating wisely and exercising at least 2x weekly.
The main thing to keep in mind for the best result is to get your weight to the level or goal that you will feel comfortable with for the foreseeable future. Of course, if you are not in good health your medical problems should be resolved prior to embarking on any surgery.
The best preparation for having liposuction is to be in generally good health and avoid aspirin or ibuprofen for about a week before surgery. While some surgeons may recommend being near your "ideal" weight, in my 35 years of doing liposuction, I have found that if you are about 10 - 15 lbs OVER your ideal weight, it is easier to give you an accurate correction since the fat cells are expanded, and the true extent of the deformity is more apparent.

Liposuction brings your body into better proportion - it is NOT a weight loss tool. As you gain or lose weight, the fat cells that you already have just get bigger or smaller. Liposuction permanently changes the number of fat cells that live in the problem areas, so after your surgery, you don't selectively gain weight there any more. It is a wonderful and long-lasting solution to the problem.

It is also very important to follow your surgeons recommendations and instructions in the immediate post-operative period. It can make a significant difference in the quality of your outcome how well you obey your surgeon's instructions.
At this point, the most important thing is to avoid medications that influence bleeding: Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen

avoid, and supplements the cause bleeding: Fish oil, vitamin E, and ginseng, ginkgo etc.

I advices to stop all dietary supplements and the medicines mentioned above for at least 2 weeks.
Thank you for your question. Nothing in particular. I have my patients follow a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise for several weeks prior to the procedure. I have them take a shower in the morning with an iodine prep. Further instructions will be provided by your doctor.
First, be sure that your nutritionally healthy. Your body will need the correct vitamins and minerals to heal. Then, decrease your risk of bleeding by stopping aspirin containing meds. You can also decrease your risk of infection by taking a shower with surgical soap the evening before and the morning of surgery. Help your surgeon know exactly where you want the liposuction done and how much you want removed.
Make sure you were at a stable weight in good physical shape.

William A. Stefani, MD