Surgeon Questions Hair transplant

What is the procedure like for hair transplant surgery?

What is the procedure normally followed for a hair transplant surgery? What should I expect for this surgery?

4 Answers

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Surgical transplant surgery is follicular grafting. There are several grades and ways of doing it (laser, etc). This is very expensive, often costing over $10,000. However, now Stem Cell Therapy is used to grow hair even in bald scalps. The procedure takes about one hour and is far less expensive. However, this also takes about 6 months to see full growth and may have to be repeated. Cost is somewhere around $3,00-$4,000.
Depending on the type of hair transfer, you may require anesthesia, which may result in nausea, pain, some dizziness. It is just as important to follow the instructions from your surgeon after surgery with respect to washing or not, compression, and follow up.
Today modern hair transplant uses micrgraft technology and is painless. It can be expensive and time consuming but often the results are very good.