Dentist Questions Gums Burning

What could be the reason behind the burning sensation in my gums?

My gums are burning a lot. I have had no injury or cuts of any kind but the burning sensation has been there for the last 4 days. What could be the reason for this?

15 Answers

"Burning Gums" is a feeling some patients have. It could be an intermittent problem or a constant problem. The first step is to have your mouth checked by a dentist. This is to make sure you don't have any gum issues. Next you want to look at your diet. Are you eating hot spicy foods? Some of the foods today have become excessively hot with the popular "foods with heat." Have you changed your mouth wash or tooth paste? There are patients who have a burning sensation around the back of the last tooth in their mouths. If they place a tooth brush
on it, it feels like "razor blade"brush was used. When a sonic scale cleans out the area, the sharp pain subsides. Flossing and brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Cleaning your tongue with a tongue cleaner. Avoid acidity drinks, salty crunchy foods. Frequent salt water rinses- take 1/2 teaspoon of salt with a full 8 ounce glass of water and rinse your mouth, especially after eating or drinking. Try to avoid crunchy foods- raw vegetables, hard fruit, hard crusted breads. When it subsides be careful what you eat. For some this can be a cyclic problem.
It could either be a side effect of a medication you are taking, vitamin deficiency, fungal/bacterial infection or other pathology. You also may have calculus (plaque plus minerals) around your gums that is harboring bacteria and may need a cleaning to remove the deposits and prevent gum and bone disease. You should see a dentist to have them evaluate what may be happening.
Burning gums is not particularly common; however it does occur. It could be caused by a fungus, by hormonal changes or by a disorder of the skin lining, among other things. If it doesn't resolve in a few days, you should get it checked by a periodontist.
There are many things that can lead to this sensation. Often times, it is a recent change I toothpaste or mouth rinse that leads to a reaction of the oral mucosa that has a burning sensation.
Pregnancy can lead to an inflammation of the gums that can cause this sensation as well.
Times of particular stress can lead to the formation of ulcers that will cause a burning sensation.
Recent illness can lead to a damage of the oral mucosa or mouth breathing that can also lead to this. I would recommend an examination for further diagnosis.
Burning gums could be from chemical (peroxide), viral or fungal infection, or vitamin deficiency. You should get checked to find out which and develop a plan for relief.
When you had no injury or cuts of any kind but the burning sensation has been there for the last few days, then the reasons behind burning sensation in your gums can be a serious dental problem. It may be swelling and inflammation of the gums, namely Gingivitis. The swollen gums are painful and cause burning sensation and pain. Another reason for burning sensation may be ulcers in the mouth that usually caused due to brushing techniques and the use of use of low-quality brushes.
Overall gingival inflammation can be the reason for burning gums. Some ingredients in toothpaste such as cinnamon can cause the gums to burn as well.
It can also be associated with a variety of other conditions including menopause, psychological problems, nutritional deficiencies (vitamin B12 deficiency) and disorders of the mouth, such as oral thrush and dry mouth (xerostomia).
If this is a new thing, visit a dentist. If you notice changes in your gums as well, I recommend seeing a dentist.
There are many factors that could cause a burning sensation of the lining of your mouth. You should have a dentist look at it, and discuss the nutritional factors, allergies and anatomical predispositions. From my experience I can tell you that cinnamon containing products
like chewing gum or toothpaste may cause allergic reaction leading to burning mouth.
There could be multiple reasons for burning sensations within your gums. These reasons range from irritations & trauma to fungal infections. It is important that you see your dental professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. K
It is known as burning mouth syndrome and you best be seen by dentist and diagnosed properly most treatments include steroidal rinses
You would also want to avoid things that trigger the sensation usually involves cinnamon another spices and very acidic Foods and fluids
This is a tough question to answer. It could be something systemic (going on in your body) which might need bloodwork from your MD. It could be an allergic reaction to something touching your gums or it could be an infection of some kind. The only advice I can give is go see your dentist and possibly your medical doctor. It could be hard to find the answer and need a team of experts working together to do so.

Good luck,

Jossi Stokes, DDS
A burning sensation you describe maybe a food driven allergy or if not an allergy it may be too much Citrus in the form of ketchup too much lemon or even salt additives. I've had patience disavow too much citrus but like pizza so much they don't think it contains acetic acid in the ketchup portion and tomato base similar to oranges or vegetables high in acid. This reacts with digestive enzymes and may overproduce sensitivity in the gingiva and the tongue. Once you eliminate what the likely problem can be dietary you're on the road to what I would consider to be the most obvious answer to the question without swabbing the tongue and oral tissues for microscopic examination to highlight what irritant is present that should not be inside the mouth.
It can have different reasons, can be local, in that case, if you are smoker, that will cause a burning sensation, you need to see a dentist for a clinical examination. It is very important; if it is a-systemic, there are many things that cause burning gums. Did you have a fever or cold? Have you taken any medication? Are you diabetic? Dry mouth is one reason for burning gums.
Please call us we would love to help.

Jane Contreras