Ophthalmologist Questions Itchy eyes

My mother often complains of itchiness and stickiness in eyes. What is the remedy for this?

My mother has very sensitive eyes and often complains that her eyes feel sticky. What is the remedy for this?

8 Answers

She may have dry eye disease. It is very common and may be a result of a reduced oil secretion that comes from the eyelid. She might try using a washcloth rolled up like sushi dipped into warm water and with all the drips squeezed out, placed upon your eyes for 30 seconds. Then, return it to the warm water, squeeze out the drips, and keep it on for another 30 seconds. Keep doing that for five minutes and perform this 2-4 times a day. This may alleviate her discomfort. If it does not, she should see her ophthalmologist for further evaluation.
She most likely has a dry eye problem which is extremely prevalent in older people. You can get her some artificial tears over the counter and use that periodically to moist the eye and reduce the symptoms of stickiness
Warm, moist compress, gently wash with baby shampoo, artificial tears 4x a day.
Basic lid hygiene -warm compresses and eyelid massages,moisturizing drops should bring some relief.
A common condition called blepharitis can cause the sticking and itching its clogged oil glands at the eyelid margin right behind the eyelashes. You can try warm compresses to the lids with ocusoft lid scrubs if they are not helping see an eyecare prifessional
Most probably, she has blepharitis (inflammation of the lid margin) and dry eye syndrome. Have her wash her eyelids with baby shampoo, do the gentle massage with warm towel over the eyelids. If she didn't get better she would need some treatment with antibiotics/ steroids ointments.
She may be suffering from dry eye syndrome or possibly blepharitis. There are other causes of these symptoms. A thorough eye exam can help determine the exact cause and therefore an effective treatment.
Itching and sticky eyes are due to dryness and allergies of the eye lids Nsw surfaces. Frequent lubrication with artificial tears will help. Any allergic drops may be needed. See your doctor please