Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Kidney Diseases

Is there a sign to look out for to detect kidney disease early?

My mother and father both died of a kidney failure. I am currently 50 years old and I am worried that I will also have a kidney disorder. What are the signs to look out for to detect a kidney disease early in life?

6 Answers

Rather than waiting for signs of kidney disease, a simple urine analysis and blood work will tell you about any kidney problem. If your parents, either father or mother, have polycystic kidney disease, you should do a kidney ultrasound.
Hypertension, diabetes, protein in urine.
Change in urinary habits
See your primary care physician regularly. Speak to them about your family history and concerns. They can evaluate you to see if you need to be under the care of a Nephrologist.
The best thing is to follow up regularly with your primary doctor and have your BUN and creatinine checked on a regular basis. Given your family history, I would have urine protein screened as well.
As part of the National Kidney Foundation, we do KEEP screenings for early detection of kidney disease. Check on the internet to look for one close to you.
If you're in Dallas, I have organized one at methodist Dallas on 3/31.