Dentist Questions Teeth Whitening

How long will a teeth whitening treatment last?

I am contemplating getting a teeth whitening treatment done. However, since it is expensive, can you please tell me how long the treatment will last? Will it be worth the cost?

15 Answers

Done properly it can last for years
There are so many different options for tooth whitening and the length that the treatment will last varies accordingly. Options range from whitening toothpastes which really only remove surface stain to take home whitening strips which also have varied results as they are a one size fits all option. In office options will include take home custom whitening trays, in office whitening or a combination of the two. There is no predictable way to predict exactly how many shades your teeth will whiten so expectations will also need to be realistic and set by your dental team who can guide you better. Take home trays give you the flexibility to do it at home anytime at a cost savings however not a great option for patients (such as myself) who do not like to do on their own at home. In office whitening may be a good option for those who have any sensitivite teeth or gum recession, crowns, etc as the dental team can apply a coating on these sensitive areas during the whitening process. In addition, in office whitening will allow your dental team to protect any crowns from the bleach solution and causing any damage to the crowns as they will not whiten. Although the combination of in office and take home custom trays may be the most costly, it usually will provide you with the best value as it will allow you to have the best of both worlds....the advantage of having it done in one in office session of 2 hours and then touching it up at home as needed. Although it can vary, the in in office whitening can generally last approximately 1 year and to manage costs you can touch it up at home with the take home trays every 6 months. Speak to your dental team about the options that may be suitable for you and the time that it may realistically last for you...this way you can make the best decision for you.
There are many types of whitening. Brush on or strips that last until you stop doing it and go back to original shade when stop treatment. Dental office prescription treatment require treatment for 2-3 weeks, but requires only 1-2 days of treatment every 4-6 months to maintain shade.
Following most teeth whitening treatments there will be a rebound of color, but the final color is usually much lighter than where you started. From then the whitening will last years depending upon how often you consume staining foods such as tobacco, coffee, berries, etc.
Could last a few months but touch-up treatments will prolong the results.
It depends on the technique you choose - at-home whitening usually takes around 1-2 weeks and costs do vary. In-office whitening takes around 90 minutes. Costs again vary between dentists. OTC whitening products are very effective and compare favorably to professional options. Costs range between $15-$70.
Teeth whitening treatment with a dentist can last 6 months to one year depending on whether you smoke or drink coffee and tea. During the treatment, I recommend drinking coffee or tea through a straw to make the teeth whitening more effective. Laser teeth whitening are usually more expensive and quicker, but I like the traditional mouth trays since you can use them again for a touch up later. Please remember crowns and fillings will not whiten. Visit your dentist to see the best whitening treatment for you.
Good luck!
Teeth whitening removes deep stains in the tooth from years of eating and drinking. It takes your tooth back to its natural white shade. After whitening you may need less expensive touch-ups as your teeth will darken again as you eat and drink stain producing foods like coffee, tea, wine etc.
Depending on the type of whitening and whether or not an ultraviolet light is used in the dental office while you are in the chair, there is a broad range of results from over-the-counter products, which depend totally on the amount of time you wear them and these are not as concentrated in strength as what your dentist can provide. The results will depend on how much stain-producing foods are left unattended on the surfaces of the teeth between brushing. As long as you brush after each meal and incident of excess coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks, you'll maximize your results most effectively. Also, some products lend themselves easily to occasional free application within the product's components.
18 months on average before color begins to revert, but can do touch ups to keep whitened shade.

I believe personally that teeth whitening is worth every penny of it. Not only do you get a much better shade and esthetics, also this process is highly beneficial for your gums as well. Depending on your lifestyle and diet, it can last from 3 up to 12 months. That does not mean that you are going to go back to the original shade, it means that you may get slightly darker. Usually, with take-home bleaching, that should be no problem. You just apply the jell for one or maximum 2 nights and you are back to where you were.

Good day,

It has various factors that can affect the result (e.g., smoking), but from my personal experience: I have done the treatment on myself, in 2007; my teeth have still kept the same color ever since the day of treatment completion till now.

The result may vary from person to person. I advise you to go visit your dentist and have a chat with him/her so that you can have a better understanding of teeth whitening.

Kind regards,

Dr. Chun-I Lee
The most important part of teeth whitening is the maintenance afterwards! There are several ways to maintain your whiter teeth after they are treated. Check with your dentist to see how.

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.
It’s like bleaching your shirt. Wear it enough, it doesn’t look the same. Eat greens, red meat, black coffee, tea, it’s lost. You can expect to redo it every 6 months. My old secretary did it once a month because she wanted to constantly maintain it. I eventually crowned her teeth and she was thrilled. It can get very costly over time. Instead, just invest once in crowns and you’re done.

Dr. Billet
It can last from 6 months to 1 year depending on your diet and intake of coffee, wine, chocolate, etc. It also depends on the type of treatment you receive. It helps to follow up at home with bleaching kits.