Gastroenterologist Questions Hemorrhoids


I have a pain and sometimes blood with my bowel movements about 1.5 years. And also itching after bowel movements. I think it is hemorrhoids. Can I still treat it at home? I don't wanna tell my parents and don't want to go to doctor.

Female | 16 years old

3 Answers

Not a good idea to self-diagnose. I'm sure you would agree that it's better to make the right diagnosis rather than guess what it might be. Tell your parents and see a doctor. They are there to help you.
Hemorrhoids can be treated from home but usually there is a cause like constipation. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a natural human process to have bowel movements and sometimes trouble with them. U should speak with ur doctor who can ask questions to see if you have constipation (many people even adults don’t realize they have it) and treat that, then the hemorrhoids go away. Hemorrhoids are benign (non-cancerous) and grow and shrink depending on how healthy our bowels are. They tend to get agitated with constipation.
Use a daily laxative pill, hemorrhoidal creams and wet wipes instead of dry toilet paper. But remember that recital bleeding must not to be ignored and so it’s not a good idea to not share this with your parents. It may be hemorrhoids or it maybe something way more serious.