Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions Cushing's Syndrome

What is the treatment for cushing treatment?

My 16-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome. The doctor was trying to treat with medication, but I'd rather her have another option. What is the usual course of treatment for Cushing's syndrome?

2 Answers

Cushing disease and cushing syndrome are medical condition of excess cortisol in the body. Cushing disease stems from an ACTH producing tumor in the brain. Cushing syndrome is a collection of condition causing excessive cortisol out side the pituitary gland (brain). They could be due to steroids for inflammatory condition, cortisol producing adrenal tumors, and cortisol/ACTH producing tumors some where in the body.
Treatment of cushing syndrome depends on the cause of the syndrome. From removing (weaning) of steroids to removal or lowering of cortisol source either medically or surgically which ever is applicable and safer. This depends on the discussion with you and the expert in charge of the case. Besides removal of the offender surgically if applicable, medical therapy have been applied with ketoconazole metyrapone and mifepristone etc.
So you need to discuss with the expert to see which is the safest best option for your child. You can only arrive at a better conclusion when you are well informed about the treatment options.
Good luck
It depends. The first thing to know is to differentiate if it's primary, coming from the excessive production of cortisol from the adrenal glands, versus secondary, which is coming from excessive production of ACTH from the pituitary gland.