Psychologist Questions Anxiety

Why do I get very nervous and shaky?

Lately I have been noticing that I become very nervous and shaky in high-pressure situations. Why is this happening suddenly?

5 Answers

Please seek therapy, where a therapist can evaluate the reasons why this is happening, as well as teach you coping strategies. It's unclear whether this is a mild form of generalized anxiety, or if it's a socially triggered reaction ... it could be many things, and working with a therapist will help give you a greater sense of being able to handle these high pressure situations. Good luck to you!
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have no clue what is causing you to be nervous and shaky in pressure situations now! You need to figure out what the triggers are so you can resolve the underlying issues. You may want to consult with your primary care physician to rule out any physical reasons. And also consult a licensed psychologist to figure out what is going on. Engaging in "whys" is like spinning your wheel! So, you need to get the wheel out of where it is stuck and move on. That means do what you need to do, differently, so won't have to continue to suffer unnecessarily from nervousness and shakiness and be your usual confident self under high-pressure situations.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal
This can be an indication that your anxiety level is high. Do you experience panic attacks? I think you would benefit from one-on-one therapy, to discuss some coping strategies to deal with the high levels of stress.

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP
It could be due to a natural build of a lot of tension and stress in general that is pushing you over the limits. Look up quick fixes to relaxing like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and creating a peaceful/safe/calm place. Try them, they should help you reduce your stress and anxiety.
That’s really hard to answer. As we do get older, our ways change as our bodies and age does. I suggest to just stay away from crowds for now.