“What about the Golo reducing pills for former cancer patients?”
Female | 77 years old
4 Answers
Nabil F Saba MD, FACP,
Professor,Hematology and Medical Oncology,
Professor of Otolaryngology,
Director of the Head and Neck Oncology Program,
Winship Cancer institute of Emory University
1365 Cliffton Rd, C-2110
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: 404 778 3995
Fax: 404 778 3995
I will be checking emails at a reduced frequency and unable to respond in real time.
Please see below for my coverage options:
Patients or patient related issues can be directly to the breast clinic at 720-848-1030 or through my pager 303-266-0178, which will be covered by Dr. Elias or NP Colleen Dougherty-Gray. During times of clinic closure, please call the hospital operator to reach the hematology-oncology fellow on call. New patient referrals should be directed to 720-848-1030 or nicole.sisen@ucdenver.edu.
Borges Lab or lab research issues should be directed to Michelle Borakove, lab manager, at 303-724-0178.
Breast Cancer Clinical Research issues to Gwen.wade@cuanschtuz.edu.
ORIEN issues to kyra.anderson@cuanschutz.edu
Aminah Jatoi