Oncologist Questions Oncologist

What about the Golo reducing pills for former cancer patients?

Is the Golo reducing pills recommended for patients who have had ovarian cancer or any other kinds of cancer?

Female | 77 years old

4 Answers

I am currently out of the office and will be checking emails sporadiacally. For patient related questions please contact 470 733 4783 during office hours; For non-patient related questions please contact Robin Worthy at 404 778 1436,

Nabil F Saba MD, FACP,
Professor,Hematology and Medical Oncology,
Professor of Otolaryngology,
Director of the Head and Neck Oncology Program,
Winship Cancer institute of Emory University
1365 Cliffton Rd, C-2110
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: 404 778 3995
Fax: 404 778 3995
I am out of the office until Monday February 3rd on vacation.

I will be checking emails at a reduced frequency and unable to respond in real time.

Please see below for my coverage options:

Patients or patient related issues can be directly to the breast clinic at 720-848-1030 or through my pager 303-266-0178, which will be covered by Dr. Elias or NP Colleen Dougherty-Gray. During times of clinic closure, please call the hospital operator to reach the hematology-oncology fellow on call. New patient referrals should be directed to 720-848-1030 or nicole.sisen@ucdenver.edu.
Borges Lab or lab research issues should be directed to Michelle Borakove, lab manager, at 303-724-0178.
Breast Cancer Clinical Research issues to Gwen.wade@cuanschtuz.edu.
ORIEN issues to kyra.anderson@cuanschutz.edu
Thank you for your message. I am currently out-of-the-office, returning January 27, 2020.

Aminah Jatoi
Any weight loss in remission cancer pts must be under supervision have a medical not cosmetic motive and monitor that immune function doesn't suffer. The role of weight "control" slow loss remission breast cancer surgery is positive and should be supervised & achieved with close to normal life style measures.