Dentist Questions Dentist

What are the treatment options for a cracked tooth?

I am a 32 year old female who cracked her tooth from eating candy. What are the treatment options for a cracked tooth?

6 Answers

The severity of the crack will determine treatment. Many times an ONLAY is a good choice. This procedure is a partial crown that covers and protects most of the tooth and saves the front and or back part of the tooth while strengthening and protecting all cusps. Maybe you will need a full crown. Sometimes a root canal treatment (Endodontia) is needed.
Depends on how cracked it is and how long you want the repair to last under all your chewing. Your American Dental Association dentist can discuss your best treatment options.
Treatment options for a cracked tooth can be very tricky because crack itself does not show up on x-ray films. If it shows on the film, then it's a fracture, not a crack. ADA recommends a cracked tooth to have a temporary crown first to hold tooth together and prevent from flexing. If symptoms persist even after a temporary crown, then unfortunately tooth will need a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment still does NOT heal already cracked tooth, rather it takes symptoms away. If symptoms are gone after root canal treatment, then you can proceed with a permanent crown. If symptoms persists, then tooth needs to be extracted, and treatment needs to discussed with your provider how to restore a missing space. At the end of the day, especially with a cracked tooth syndrome, it all comes down to how much you value your tooth. You should further discuss it with your provider and come up with a long-term plan because as much as we wish/hope, unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. Best wishes
Good morning. Your treatment options for a cracked tooth depend on the extent of the crack. A cracked tooth that is not having symptoms will generally be able to be treated with a full coverage restoration (a crown). If you are having pain with the crack, I recommend the tooth be evaluated at an endodontist (a root canal specialist) to determine the full extent of the crack. If the crack is into the nerve of the tooth, but not into the root of the tooth, a root canal will be required prior to placement of a full coverage restoration (crown). Unfortunately, if the root is cracked the tooth will be non restorable and will require removal. If the tooth is non-restorable, it can be replaced with an implant retained restoration, a fixed partial denture (a bridge), or with a removable partial denture. I recommend you consult with a local dentist to determine the extent of the crack and discuss what the best course of treatment is for your specific case.
Thank you.
If the nerve inside of your tooth did not get injured from the crack, you may only need a crown. However, if the nerve did get injured, you may need a root canal prior to the crown.
It will depend on the level of the crack. Good to see a dentist asap so that further damage to the tooth does not occur and require more treatment.