Dentist Questions Dentist

What are the treatment options for mouth sores?

I am a 23 year old female who developed three mouth sores. What are the treatment options for mouth sores?

4 Answers

You can try glyoxide, diluted hydrogen peroxide Or you may need dental care.
Treatment varies by the types and causes of the sores. Have the area evaluated by a dental professional.
Mouth sores can be anything. Best to see a dentist for a diagnosis.
Good morning. With out knowing the exact cause of the mouth sores it is hard to tell you what would work best for you. I would recommend having them checked by your dentist or primary care physician. If you suspect they are from trauma or a cold sore you could try Zilactin b which you can obtain from the pharmacy. Warm salt water rinses can help speed the healing of trauma related sores. If they are cold sores, your dentist or primary care physician can prescribe you medication to take when the onset first arises, assuming they return. Keep in mind any sore that does not heal with in two weeks could be significant and should be evaluated by a dentist or primary care physician.