Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What can a doctor prescribe for stress and anxiety?

I am a 29 year old male and I have anxiety. What can a doctor prescribe for stress and anxiety?

7 Answers

The answer to this question is simple yet complex...The simple answer is that a doctor can choose between two categories of treatment, psychotherapy or talking treatments or psychopharmacology or medication.

I always address three areas of approach. The first I call social engineering...this refers to things in ones life that can and should be changed...this might refer to a relationship, a job, a hobby, addiction, etc. In this category I often recommend an effort to routinize life and to add at least mild exercise such as walking or biking to a daily regimen....I will, of course, look for sources of stress and try and either avoid them or combat them with more positive thinking....stress avoidance is often but not always possible, stress management likewise is also possible in many instances and not in others. Making actual lists of stressors,defining those that can be avoided and those that can't and then devising a strategy to deal with those that cannot be avoided is often helpful.

Medications can be an quick answer but should not be the chronic answer as problems such as medication abuse and or addiction can replace the anxiety.

talking therapies; relaxation training, cognitive therapy, biofeedback or more tradition analytic/supportive therapy can also be helpful. The right answer depends on the individual...some are psychologically minded and some are not, some are fearful of medicines and some are prone to abuse medicines...the appropriate treatment ALWAYS requires a careful evaluation of the individual patient including family background, medical history and a comprehensive mental status examination after which an appropriate treatment plan can be generated.
You need a comprehensive evaluation by a psychiatrist. Everyone is different in terms of biological response to treatment. Check out our website
Stress and anxiety are so very very common in every society. There are many things that can be done. I always urge non-medication interventions first. That might include exercise, increase in activities with friends, and enjoyable activities. I always put these types of suggestions as absolute doctors orders LOL. There are many many more! With regards to medications, I look at supplements that may also help anxiety and stress. These might be enhancements for a good sleep like melatonin that has been satisfactorily examined by a third-party to make sure that it’s safe, or even GABA. Finally, you ask a very very timely question regarding medications. Currently, psychopharmacologist are using new nomenclature so that the term antidepressant and anti-anxiety agent is not used, but rather, the mechanism of action of the medication is emphasized. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are some of the most common medications used to help with stress and anxiety. There are many many more. I would encourage you to discuss this with your favorite psychiatrist.
We don't have one specific treatment for anxiety. If your reason to come/see the doctor is to get medications to control the symptoms, the doctor can prescribe medications. If you want to have a complete resolutions of your symptoms, you may need more than just medications.
It depends on the cause of anxiety, but medications and psychotherapy provide the best outcome. 
My recommendation is to prescribe Lexapro, Zoloft, or buSpar. I do not recommend a benzo because they are addictive. Jack L. Underwood, M.D.
Not a simple question. No simple answer. There are a number of therapeutic approaches in the treatment of anxiety and stress. Much depends on the nature and causes of the problem. It is treatable.