Gastroenterologist (Pediatric) Questions Colic

What can I do if my baby is considered colic?

My son wouldn't stop crying, and he's three months old. We took him to his pediatrician and referred to my son as colic and that I can treat this by eliminating dairy from my diet and breastfeed in a more upright position. I've done both of these things, but it doesn't seem to be working. Are there any other things that I can do?

4 Answers

Colic usually resolves spontaneously by 3 months of age. If you have done the recommendations but he continues to cry, it's time to have a follow up. He may have other problem that's not diagnosed yet.
Gerber soothe probiotics. Unless your child is having blood in their stool with frequent diarrhea you don’t need to eliminate dairy from your diet.
Swaddling sometimes helps. It usually gets better by 4 months. Is he gaining weight well? Make sure he is getting the hind milk which has less lactose so he will not be as gassy. So totally empty one breast before going to the other instead of feeding a short time on both.
Colic does not have any proven treatment. However, there other diseases in infant that can present as colic such as gastroesophageal reflux, and milk protein allergy.
Treating gastroesophageal reflux and making changes to the feeding such as mom avoiding dairy, and sometimes soy if breastfeeding, or changing to semi-elemental, or amino acid formula can sometimes help.