“What foods should I eat to lose weight quick?”
I am 30 years old and male. I'm getting married in a month and I'm just really overweight. Are there any foods that I can eat that'll help me lose weight quick?
4 Answers
Fruit for breakfast, followed by nuts (walnuts, macadamia nuts) and seeds in about an hour or two. Then carbs and veggies (rice and veggies or potatoes and veggies for lunch with drizzle of cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed coconut oil). Then protein and veggies for dinner. NO sugar, NO fake sugar, NO coffee, and NO alcohol!
Per Gunnar Brolinson
Family Practitioner
One of the most important things that you need to do is to drink A LOT of water (at least 1 liter a day). Avoid or significantly reduce alcohol consumption. Avoid soda pop both regular and diet. Avoid juice. If you like coffee drink it black. There is some research to support increased metabolism and improved weight loss when consuming 2-3 cups per day. Regarding food focus on moderate consumption of protein, salad and vegetables. Increased fiber consumption is helpful (20-30 grams per day). Avoid carbohydrates and starchy foods. If you are really committed you could go on a kenotic diet which is beyond the scope of this simple email. There are lots of books out on the subject but this approach requires rigid adherence and a lot of self-discipline. Exercise is also important and can be worked into you daily routine by taking stairs whenever possible and trying to walk 30-45 minutes a day 5-6 days a week.
Good luck and congratulations on your wedding!
P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
Good luck and congratulations on your wedding!
P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO