Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What is being done to prevent sexual abuse for children at home in at risk neighborhoods?

I am a 31 year old female. I want to know what is being done to prevent sexual abuse for children at home in at risk neighborhoods?

2 Answers

Teaching children how to stay safe and to tell an adult if they are ever hurt or touched. Police are much more able to track child porn users and sexual trafficking notices are in lots of places with phone numbers to call if they are being kept or know of someone who is being kept against their will. However, we need to continue to do more.
There are lots of things being done for at risk children. Education is by far the best tool. Teaching kids about healthy and unhealthy relationships is paramount. Providing healthy outlets and healthy supports is so important. Teaching kids about self love and self care is also essential. Modeling appropriate behaviors and keeping healthy communication are just some of the ways to help prevent sexual abuse. The list of strategies is extensive, each family will use tools that they prefer.
Thanks for the question.