“When can I wear makeup after eyelid surgery?”
I am a 32 year old female and I will have eyelid surgery. When can I wear makeup after eyelid surgery?
6 Answers
I usually ask patients to start wearing make up after sutures are removed 5 to 7 days after the operation. At this time, make up can be an effective way to hide any residual bruising.
Good luck.
Good luck.
I generally prefer if my patients who undergo eyelid plastic surgery refrain from using eyelid makeup for about 2 weeks to prevent complications with the incisions.
It is recommended you wait to wear any type of eye make up until the eye lid has been completely healed and you have follow up with your doctor for your post op appointment.
Thanks for your question. I would confirm with your surgeon, but typically, makeup is fine as soon as the sutures are removed.
Dr. C
Dr. C