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When should I go to the doctor for hip pain?

I am a 17 year old female. I have had hip pain for 2 weeks. When should I go to the doctor for hip pain?

8 Answers

if you're experiencing hip pain for a duration of two weeks, it is advisable to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional. Persistent hip pain could be a sign of an underlying condition that requires evaluation and appropriate treatment.

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If the symptoms have not subsided at 2 weeks, it is best you see your doctor immediately for evaluation.
if your pain doesn't go away, or if you notice swelling, redness, or warmth around the joint. You should also call if you have hip pain at night or when you are resting. Get medical help right away if: The hip pain came on suddenly.
Since you are still a minor, you should discuss this first with your parents. If you are having trouble bearing weight on the affected limp, or have severe pain, you should have it evaluated by a physician. If you have rested the hip after a minor injury and the pain subsides after a couple of weeks, you may be able to wait. However, if the pain persists beyond 2-3 weeks, then you should schedule a formal evaluation with a physician.
If the hip pain is something you have never had before, and if it affects your ability to walk, then it should be evaluated. If it was related to a bump or a minor trauma, it may improve with ice and rest and some anti-inflammatory drugs. If it is getting worse daily, you should be evaluated. If it is improving, maybe you can wait.
Good luck.

Kenneth D. Candido, M.D.
After 2 weeks of something not getting better, it’s time to get it checked out. If it’s nothing major, they’ll hopefully send you to physical therapy where they can come up with a plan for you!
Your hip pain needs to be diagnosed first , may be it’s coming from the back , check it out with a PT right away.
Dr. Ramky Kavaserry