Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Will allergy shots help my daughter?

My daughter is 14 years old and suffers from seasonal allergies like pollen. Will allergy shots help my daughter?

2 Answers

Usually 60% or better have improvement of allergy symptoms with allergy shots, especially if it is dust or inhaled allergens that you cannot avoid.
This is a good question. There are many factors that go into determining whether or not a patient is a candidate for allergy shots. Allergy shots are not only for maintenance of symptoms, but also have the potential for long term benefits post-therapy. However, the results are unique to the individual. Sometimes pharmacotherapy is the first-line for allergy treatment, and the decision to start shots is based on long-term goals. Other times, patients choose shots because they would like to limit pharmacotherapy. It is also important to know that not all patients who are on allergy shots are able to stop medications, but the medications seem to help more in conjunction with the shots. This is a very unique decision that should be discussed in person with a board certified allergy center. There are also conditions that mimic allergy symptoms. The most important step would be to determine whether or not your daughters symptoms are related to a true allergy/allergies. This is best determined by a board certified allergy center. Thank you for your question.