Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

ā€œWill my daughter have depression if my husband does?ā€

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know will my daughter have depression if my husband does?

2 Answers

There is a genetic link, but it does not mean that she will have it, it means that she is at risk for it. Continue to teach her Coping Skills and how to handle any related anxiety.
Hope that helps.
Thank you for your question at FADT. So, depression is a hereditary disorder to some extend, meaning the offspring of a depressed person run a higher risk to have the disease. However it is uncertain whether the offspring will actually acquire the illness for sure, or to what extend and severity the illness will be expressed into the offspring, and very importantly, the offspring's environment can modulate this risk. So for example a parent who has experienced depression may have a wealth of knowledge which can help both the parent and the offspring in the event the offspring develops the illness. This knowledge includes how to cope with the illness, early signs, how it feels to be depressed. This knowledge can be an invaluable asset for the offspring as it could protect by providing early diagnosis and treatment of the illness, and guide by example. I hope this helps, thank you! Dr. Dodd, MD