Psychologist Questions Sports Medicine

Will sport counseling help my performance as a runner?

I'm 20 years old, and I'm wondering if I should undergo sports counseling to help my performance as a runner. I run track for my college. Do you think it'll help?

8 Answers

Have you first considered what is actually wrong with your performance? Psychologists usually deal with problems. Your running performance might not actually be a problem, athletic enhancements can be addressed via coaching, nutrition, and changes in fitness routine.
Most likely not at your level, but it can't hurt.
There are several factors that play a role in performance. Technique, training, diet, footwear, other (strength) training. Cadence, stride length/rate etc also play a role. Counseling may help a little but its not the first thing I would do. Join a runner's blog or local running club/triathalon, pick their brains.
I definitely think it is an option worth trying!

Dr. B. Buchanan, PhD
It can be helpful and worth a try. Look for a therapist that specializes in sports or performance therapy.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
Certainly it may help.
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