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Is there a surgery to treat symptoms of seizures?

My nephew, my sister's son, is 4 years old and is experiencing seizures. I am concerned about their family. Is there usually a surgery to treat this or how does that work?

How much deep sleep is enough?

I have a sleep tracker and my deep sleep is from 15 mins and 1 hour a night.

My mother has Alzheimer's disease. How can I prevent it from progressing quickly?

My mother is 93 years old and is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. What can I do to prevent her condition from worsening quickly? I want to help any way that I can.

Could hazy vision be a sign of some problem with the brain?

My vision has been hazy for the past 3 days, and I also have a slight headache. Could this be a sign of a brain problem?

When is the Spinal fluid test recommended?

I recently read about a spinal fluid test, and I'm pretty surprised about how common this test is for patients. Under what circumstances is this test recommended?

Are there early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?

I have a family history of Alzheimer's disease. So, I think it's very possible for me to get it, too. Are there any early symptoms of the disease that I should look out for?...

How does a physiatrist treat musculoskeletal health problems?

I am told that a physiatrist specializes in treating musculoskeletal disorders. What does their treatment involve?

What causes sudden shocks in the body for some people?

My friend keeps saying that she gets sudden shock waves in her body that start all of a sudden. Is this a neurological problem or is it something else?

What is cataplexy? How can it be treated?

My friend has recently been diagnosed with cataplexy. Can you please explain this condition to me, and what the treatment would be like? I've never even heard of it before and...

I've been suffering from migraines for the past 3 years. What should I do?

For the past 3 years, I've been suffering from frequent migraines. I have tried so many different treatments, but the migraine still manages to come back. No matter what I do....

What causes issues in the nervous system? How is it treated?

My father-in-law has an issue in his nervous system and it's causing numbness in his hands and feet. The doctors haven't yet told us what is wrong with him, only that it has to...

My brother suffered a stroke that paralysed the left side of his body. Is it the right time to now start physical therapy?

My brother is 56 years old and suffered a stroke suddenly, which paralyzed the left side of his body. We want to help him regain as much strength as he can. When do you think...

Exondy 51 Injection

I am suffering from muscular dystrophy. Is Exondy 51 injection therapy effective or not?

Is Alzheimer's a hereditary disease?

My father in law suffered with Alzheimer's disease for the last 10 years of his life. Is it a hereditary disease? Will my husband suffer from it too?

My mother is forgetting things. Is it just age or could something be really wrong?

My mother is 74 years old and has been forgetting things. Is it just age or could it be indicating some serious problem?

I have some pain whenever I sit. What could it be?

I have a slight pain as soon as I try to sit. It seems like a bone pain. But, what do you think it could be? What should I do for it? Right now, I am taking over-the-counter...

Is forgetfulness normal or a sign of a bigger problem?

Lately, I've been forgetting a lot of things, some of it is the most basic stuff like where my keys are or calling my child a different name. But, it's happening too often and...

Is hemophilia is a permanent condition?

My nephew has hemophilia. While he is being treated his condition is still persistent. Will this ever be cured?

I am having a strange tingling sensation under my scalp. What could this be?

Lately, my scalp has been tingling and I'm not sure why this is happening. At first, I thought it was an itch, but it definitely isn't. Why could this be happening?

What could be the cause behind gelastic seizures?

My cousin was diagnosed with a gelastic seizure and our family is very worried since there were no symptoms beforehand. What could have caused this? And could this reoccur in...

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